tell a friend
- 告诉朋友

Schoolchildren might tell a friend that school has been cancelled .
Tell a friend where you 're going to be and for how long , and keep your cell phone with you .
You may tell a friend that the new play you saw last night is not so hot .
Tell a friend your plan so you will be more likely to commit to the change .
If your account balance isn 't growing fast enough just tell a friend or family member about our website .
Only politely tell a friend put a temporary stop , even if the buy , then buy boutique .
If you are worried about waking up after your nap , make sure you set an alarm , or tell a friend or work colleague where you have gone !
If youre having trouble thinking of those qualities , try thinking about what you would tell a friend if you were explaining why you were excited about this particular job and why you think you would be great at it .
Not so hot also is a way of saying that you do not really like something . You may tell a friend that the new play you saw last night is not so hot . That means you did not consider it a success .
You can tell a friend is being competitive when he or she brags about recent purchases or income and then immediately want to know what you bought or what you make . Whether they are jealous of you or not , this is childish behavior and shouldn 't be acknowledged .
Tell a trusted friend , family member or co-worker what happened and write down the details of those conversations .
You can always tell a real friend : when you 've made fool of yourself he doesn 't feel you 've done a permanent job .
You can tell a good friend because they 're not afraid to call you out on your front , but they still want to be around you even when what 's behind it isn 't always the nicest , kindest , or best person .
The last time my mother almost spoke the words was two years ago , when she called to tell me that a friend had been hospitalized .
Write about them in a journal , tell them to a friend , confess them to your priest , therapist , cab driver .
And we might tell a very good friend that the reason we got so mad in that fight that we slept on the couch had something to do with that girl who works in his office .
And tell him to bring a friend .
Or tell these reasons to a friend .
Tell a family member or friend that I love them when I 'm finished reading this .
If you would keep your secret from an enemy , tell it not to a friend .
M : Um , if they take you on , tell them you know a friend who 'd be really good too .
Just tell them you 're a friend of mine and , bob 's your uncle , you 'll get the job .
They tell him that a concerned friend of his contacted them and that his injuries were the result of a fall down a fire escape .